This video shows you in 5 steps how to light a charcoal grill. It’s pretty easy and can be done by anyone! Just make sure to be careful with the fire and not use any flammable liquids. It’s not needed, you just need to follow all of the instructions and have a bit of patience. I have as much patience as a 8 weeks old puppy, so if i can do it; you can do it!
How to light a charcoal grill
Lighting a grill without charcoal starter
Adjust servings here:
- Grill
- Charcoal
- Firelighters
- Matches or candle lighter
- Tongs
- Magazine or bbq blower
- Remove grill tray and add charcoal to the grill.
- Build a pyramid. Add layers of wrinkled paper in the charcoal pyramid and hide some firelighters. Make sure the firelighters are touching the paper.
- Use matches or a candle lighter to light the edge of the paper. Light the paper at several edges.
- Wait until all paper has burned.
- Distribute the heat by using a magazine or a bbq blower. Create wind from different angles. Wait 5-10 minutes and you are ready to use the grill.